I'm just a hobby baker, but a friend wanted me, ME- Queen of the Cake Wrecks, to make an elaborate fondant cake for her daughter's engagement party. Yikes. Talk about pressure. I wanted everything to be perfect, but as usual things did not turn out quite as I dreamed. I had lots of technical difficulties, lots of structural issues, lots of tears and gnashing of teeth, but all that drama is for another post.
This post is about FONDANT. Which fondant tastes the best and which is the easiest to work with (in my inexperienced opinion).
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The fondants selected for the test were:
Elite (Fondx) – Silk White
Pettinice - White Fondant, Ready-To-Roll
Wilton – White (tested version no longer available)
(( Update 6/2/15: I've added a new fondant to the comparison:Via Roma Bakery. You can find the blog post here.
Update 2/3/16: I've added another new fondant to the comparison: Cake Craft Fondant. You can find the blog post here.
Update 9/8/2016: Yet another fondant: Carma Massa Ticcino. You can find the blog post here.
Update 2/20/2017: Another fondant: Dream by Choco Pan. You can find the blog post here.
Update 4/9/2017 : Post for the Fat Daddio's Pro Series fondant can be found here.
Update 5/7/2017: Post for the Renshaw fondant can be found here.
Update 7/31/2017: Post for the Fantasia fondant can be found here.
Update 11/19/2017: Post for the Mona Lisa fondant can be found here. ))
Here are strips of each fondant atop a simple white cake with American Buttercream icing. All of the fondant colors had “white” in their name, but as excepted the shades vary greatly. I had ten people taste all the fondants to get their unbiased opinions.
So how was my comparison conducted? What was the ranking criteria?
First was the taste test, then the kneading test, the rolling test (did it stick, was it easy to roll, how much did it spread, the draping/smoothing/trimming test. Finally the fondant covering the pan was inspected for imperfections.
The goal was to find the best coverage with the least effort. Would one fondant brand be better at covering mistakes than others?
Note #1: I draped all the fondant onto the same Mini Angel Food Pan. No icing covered the pan. It was just fondant atop metal. I wanted to see how many of the pan's nooks and crannies would show through the fondant.
Note #2: For each contender I used 5 ounces of fondant and rolled each to 1/8 inch. I was surprised at the difference in the amount of spread or coverage between the brands. In one case the fondant only rolled to 7-1/2 inches round, and in another the fondant rolled to almost 11 inches round. I guess it is a density issue. The heavier/denser the fondant is the less volume it has to spread. The lighter fondants had more volume per ounce, so there was more fondant to roll into a larger circle. Any mathematicians out there willing to explain this for us?
Note #3: Because prices of fondant varies greatly from day to day and from vendor to vendor I don't quote any prices. I only give a general ranking. This ranking does not include taxes or shipping.
Now onto the testing results (in no particular order):
Pettinice – White Rolled Fondant Icing
- Cost: Middle of the pack as far as pricing.
- Packaging: This fondant is packaged in a thin, flimsy wrapper. The wrapper was ripped during shipping, and the fondant near the rip was already dried out.
- Taste: How does it taste? In a word: WOW. This stuff taste really, really good. Like traditional buttercream icing, only firm. Honest. I usually remove the fondant before eating the cake underneath, but I would be happy to munch on this stuff all day.
- Texture: Pettinice is soft and kneads easily. Working the fondant does not strain your arms or cramp your fingers and hands. The fondant has a cool, dry feel and it is not greasy at all.
- Rolling: Very easy to roll. The Pettinice did not stick to the rolling mat so I didn’t have to use any cornstarch. Rolled the 5oz to 1/8” which formed an 8" circle. But at this thickness the rolled fondant seemed a little thin and fragile. It would probably perform better if rolled to 3/16 or 1/4 inch.
- Draping: Even as thin as it was, I found it easy to cover the pan with the fondant. The softness of the fondant allowed it to settle with more folds and drapes, but because it wasn’t sticky it was easy to smooth. But all that smoothing took more time and effort. Experience would make this step easier and quicker, but for me the process was a little time consuming.
- Cutting: Using a pizza cutter the Pettinice fondant cut cleanly. No hairs or pulls or gooey mess along the trimmed edge; just a nice clean line.
- Final Look: Because the Pettinice fondant was so soft it settled into the nooks and crannies of the tube pan. These “imperfections” in the pan were very noticeable in the smoothed fondant. If the fondant had been rolled a little thicker the imperfections may not have shown through as much, but rolling thicker would add to the cake covering costs.
- Other Observations: Fondant dries very quickly!!! You must work fast. Re-rolling the same fondant again and again (trying to get the size correct) is risky. You need to have the skill to get it right the first or second time.
Duff Goldman – White Buttercream
- Cost: One of the most expensive, but Duff’s brand can be purchased at big box craft stores with a 40% off coupon. With this coupon it would be one of the least expensive.
- Packaging: Nice sturdy tub.
- Color: Labeled as “white” but has a very yellow cast.
- Taste: Taste good but has a stretchy, gummy feel in your mouth. Kind of feels like taffy.
- Texture: You need to microwave the Duff fondant to soften it. It is rock hard before microwaving, but very soft after. Feels and looks a little greaser than the Pettinice.
- Rolling: The Duff fondant was a little sticky but still easy to roll. It had a tendency to shrink and snap back after the rolling pin was removed. Took a little more effort to roll it out. 5 ounces rolled to 9 inches round.
- Draping: The Duff fondant felt more elastic and solid so fewer "folds" form when draping it over the cake. Since there were not as many folds, it is easier to smooth.
- Cutting: Because the fondant had an elastic-like pull it didn’t cut very easily with the pizza cutter. The cut edges were a little ragged. After the fondant dried a bit I had to go back and re-trim.
- Final Look: The Duff fondant showed a lot of imperfections, and it also had a somewhat greasy look.
Choco-Pan – Wedding White
- Cost: Middle of the pack as far as pricing.
- Packaging: Nice sturdy tub.
- Taste: Very good taste. Actually tastes like white chocolate. One of the best tasting fondants in the group.
- Texture: I have to admit that I was huffing and puffing trying to get the Choco-Pan out of the container. I had to use a knife to hack off chunks. What landed on to my counter was hard and crumbly. I envisioned spending hours kneading this stuff, but amazingly it was very easy to knead and very quick to soften. I guess body heat does the trick. And I have cold hands!! If you are hot blooded this fondant might actually get too soft.
- Rolling: The Choco-Pan stuck a little bit to the mat. Choco-Pan fondant had a good spread at 9+ inches.
- Draping: Lots of folds formed when draping the cake with the fondant, but it was easy to smooth them away.
- Cutting: Cuts clean. No pulls.
- Final Look: The Choco-Pan was middle of the road as far as looks. Some brands showed more imperfections than the Choco-Pan and other showed less.
Elite (Fondx) – Silk White
- Cost: One of the most expensive.
- Packaging: Nice sturdy tub.
- Taste: Strange chemical-like raspberry taste. It was also a little tougher to chew. None of my taste-testers cared for the taste of this fondant.
- Texture: Easy to knead. Feels very squishy and cool.
- Rolling: Rolls very smooth and uniform. No sticking at all. You can smell the raspberry while rolling the fondant. When rolling out the fondant, the 5 ounce block spread to 10+ inches. This was the second largest spread out of all the fondant.
- Draping: Easy to smooth out the drapes.
- Cutting: Easy to trim, very clean cut edges.
- Final Look: The covered cake looks great, hardly ANY imperfections from the underlying cake are visible. If it weren’t for the strange taste this fondant would be a top pick. I will try another flavor/color to see if they all have the odd taste.
Fondarific – Buttercream Antique White
- Cost: Middle of the pack as far as pricing.
- Packaging: Nice sturdy tub.
- Taste: Okay taste, but didn't like the taste of the Fondarific as much as the other brands (Choco-Pan, Pettinice). Would give it third place in taste.
- Texture: Hard and unyielding when removed from pail, but a few seconds in the microwave makes it very soft and squishy. Feels like stretchy play dough. Also feels somewhat greasy.
- Rolling: My first attempt at rolling the Fondarific had it sticking to the mat (Wilton Roll And Cut Mat). I had to peel and scrape to get it loose. On the second attempt I use corn starch and this worked like a charm. No more sticking after that. In the end it rolled out to almost 11 inches.
- Draping: The Fondarific formed nice broad drapes when covering the cake. The drapes did not stick to each other or collapse (all that cornstarch I guess). Smoothing was very quick and easy. Took no time at all to smooth it out.
- Cutting: The Fondarific cut very cleanly. No pulls or fondant hairs.
- Final Look: The Fondarific was the easiest to smooth and gave one of the best, blemished-free finishes. If it tasted a little better this would be the perfect fondant.
- Other Observations:
- Fondarific never seems to harden. Neither air nor time will cause it to firm up. If it gets a little stiff just microwave again and it will get soft again.
- You can re-roll over and over again without the fondant drying out.
- Has a very long shelf life (1 year). Because it doesn't harden you must add gumpaste or gumtex if you want to make stiff decorations out of it.

(Sorry about all the spots of corn starch on the Fondarific cake. I should have brushed them off.)
Satin Ice – White Buttercream
- Cost: One of the most expensive.
- Packaging: Nice sturdy tub.
- Taste: The Satin Ice – White Buttercream tasted okay but I found it a a little bland and nondescript.
- Texture: While you knead the fondant, it feels cool, soft and dry in your hands. But after draping and smoothing the fondant over the cake, it forms an unattractive “elephant skin” texture as it dries.
- Rolling: The Satin Ice rolls nicely and spreads to about 9 inches. But it tends to crack and tear around the edges.
- Draping: Hardly any drapes formed when placed atop the cake. Feels a little stiff and it is not very easy to smooth out the folds.
- Cutting: Cuts cleanly. Had no problems in this area.
- Final Look: The “elephant skin” texture that this fondant formed was a no-go for me. I don’t know if I had an old or dry batch of fondant, but I would think twice before trying this fondant again.
Wilton – White
Note: the Wilton version tested is no longer sold. Wilton now sells the Decorator Preferred Fondant.
- Cost: The least expensive of the bunch, and with a 40% off coupon it makes it even cheaper.
- Packaging: Enclosed in cellophane wrap and then boxed.
- Taste: All my taste testers just said, "YUCK!".
- Texture: Dry and a little stiff at first, but softens with some effort. This excessive dryness was probably my fault. The box I tested was old. I had purchased it may be 9-12 months ago, and never used it. Probably a fresh pack would have been moister.
- Rolling: The Wilton fondant rolls nicely and spreads to about 10+ inches. Did not stick at all. Was super easy to lift off the rolling mat.
- Draping: Hardly any drapes formed when placed atop the cake, and the fondant cracked along the top edge. Again this is my fault for not getting a fresh box to test. To compensate I added a touch of Crisco to soften it up. After that the fondant draped and smoothed without effort.
- Cutting: Cuts cleanly. Had no problems in this area.
- Final Look: Great, wonderful. As far as final looks go the Wilton fondant was amazing. No nooks and crannies from the pan showed through the fondant. Looked perfect even in my inexperienced hands. Now if they could just do something to improve the taste.
Wilton - Next to Elite, the Wilton brand produced ONE OF THE BEST looking FINISHED cake.
So after all my testing I had no clear winner :-(
Some brands I rejected outright, but out of the other brands the “winner” would depend on skill level and which is more important: the way the fondant looks or how it tastes.
Pettinice had the best taste (in my opinion), but working with the fondant and getting a perfect finish would take more experience and training on my end. The fact that it dried so quickly also scared me off. When I gain more experience and confidence in my ability to roll and cover a cake quickly, this will be a contender.
Duff Goldman's brand had a good taste, but it did not cut very cleanly and it was also on the expensive side (unless you have a 40% off coupon).
Choco-Pan had a great taste, was easy to work with, and was middle of the pack as far as price. If I had to assign the #1 trophy to any ONE fondant it would have to be Choco-Pan (given my current level of experience).
Elite (Fondx) had a strange chemical taste that didn’t appeal to me, but it was very easy to work with and it produced the best-looking finish. Even in my inexperienced hands the fondant came out very smooth, with hardly an imperfection to be seen. If it weren't for the strange taste this would be the undisputed winner in my "Fondant Games". I will have to try other flavors to see if they all have that strange taste.
Fondarific had just an okay taste, but it was extremely easy to work with and it was also one of the least expensive. But what I really loved about the Fondarific was the LONG shelf life. I don’t make many fondant cakes so it is nice (and cost effective) to buy a big tub of this stuff and not have to worry about it drying out in a few months.
Satin Ice had a bland taste (in my opinion), and it formed a weird elephant-skin texture that was off-putting to me. I also found that as the fondant dried it cracked around the edges of the cake. I may have had a bad batch, or I may have handled it wrong. Does anyone have any words of advice?
Wilton has a horrible taste, and I would never cover a commissioned cake with it, but because it is inexpensive, easy to work with, and produces a smooth finished cake, it is a great option if you are just practicing or making fondant decorations for your masterpiece. (Note: the Wilton fondant tested is no longer sold.)
As you can tell from the above summary my comparison yielded no clear winner. In the end I decided to use the Choco-Pan as the fondant to cover my commissioned engagement cake. At this point in time I would probably buy Choco-Pan for any large commissioned cake, but I like keeping the Fondarific on hand to use for any spur-of-the-minute jobs. And I also like using the Wilton brand to make fondant decorations and flowers.
So many fondants, each with its own Pros and Cons.
The one you pick will depend on your skill, your budget, and what is more important to you – taste or looks.
If you have made it this far in the post I want to wish you Happy Cake Decorating, and I hope my very unscientific review helps you in some small way.
Glad you are back to posting! Loved all your old posts!
ReplyDeleteTry Carma Massa Ticino. It's good and tastes nice.
I'm in Singapore and it's very difficult to work with most fondant here because of the humidity. Nothing dries out....but CMTT works better than most.
Here Wilton and Satin Ice cost the same, and Pettinice is very expensive. We don't get Fondx, Fondarific or Elite here.
Hi R, Thanks for the info on the Carma Massa Ticino fondant. I will have to give it a try and add it to my comparison. And I can relate to the humidity of Singapore. Nothing like New Orleans in the summer when it is 95 degrees with 100% humidity. Talk about sticky! Thank goodness for air conditioning.
Hi Carol,
ReplyDeleteReally enjoyed all your old posts- especially the red velvet cakes and the comparisons between cakes made with butter, oil, shortening etc.
Why did you stop writing for so long? I just randomly checked your blog yesterday and found new posts!
Need to also tell you- there is no "Follow by email" box on your home page...
Hi R, Yes I’ve been MIA for a while. The last 3+ years have been difficult. A family member was very ill (terminal colon cancer), and I changed jobs 4 times. I was still baking through it all, but I didn’t have the time to keep up with the blog. But thanks for noticing that I’m back. Hopefully I can come up with some interesting posts!
DeleteGreat article! One item to note: Duff is Fondarific, just re-labeled. You can see it on Fondarific's website.... I love Fondarific - very easy to work with!
ReplyDeleteI did not know that. Thanks so much for the info!!! I will have to add a note to the Fondarific section.
DeleteI have used both and would have to say IF fondarific makes duff's it's a WAY different formula. Fondarific is amazing to work with, Duff's NOT at all lol
DeleteBeen using Satin Ice for a while. I find that a little crisco rubbed on the fondant before draping eliminates the "elephant skin". Also I knead a bit of crisco into fondant and that works great. Made 14 individual 2 layer 6inch table cakes and a 2 tier 4 layer bridal cake and they were perfect. No cracks or sags. Hope this helps.
ReplyDeleteThanks Joy, I will give it a try..
DeleteThanks so much. Awesome comparison.
ReplyDeleteHave you ever tried McCall's brand fondant?
ReplyDeleteHi Camille, I know of the EasyIce brand by McCall’s but I have not tried it. I haven’t found it for sale anywhere in the US, and getting it shipped from Canada is sooooo expensive. Have you tried it? Do you like it?
Satin Ice is crap :( Always have the same issues and since changing my fondant - not experiencing anymore!
ReplyDelete;-) Mona Lisa is my new favorite fondant.
ReplyDeleteHave you tried the PME brand fondant? I have heard that it is good, but haven't tried it. Would love to get your take on it!
ReplyDeleteHi Cheri, I've never tried the PME brand fondant. I have used their tools, but never the fondant. Is it any good?
DeleteI have no idea- I've never tried it. What I know is that it's made by the same manufacturer that used to make the Bakery Crafts fondant, and I was told it was good, but that's all I know.
DeleteI appreciate your posts and all your work that went into this particular one. I had been using the Hobby Lobby fondant that comes in 5lb tubs, and had been happy with it. After I decided to stop patronizing then over false advertising of sale prices, I ended up buying a small tub from somewhere else (Walmart? can't remember)...ALSO, irritatingly so, I cannot remember what the brand was, only that they sold it as "Buttercream Fondant", and the printing on the tub was blue...Why am I telling you this? Because it was terrible. The taste was not so bad, but it didn't taste like buttercream to me. What was horrible about it was the fact that despite my ability to roll it out to an almost 1/16th of an inch thickness, that junk retained a definite gummy, chewy texture that never dried and got easier to cut through. People trying to take bites of cake with a fork would end up tipping the entire top up when they stuck the fork in it was so tough....
ReplyDeleteUncaChazzy, Was it the Walmart brand of fondant. That comes in a white tub with blue text. I was using Mona Lisa as was very happy with it, but it has been discontinued so I'm on the hunt for a new goto fondant. :-(
DeleteOh I bought that tub once and only once here in Canada, I also can’t remember the name but it was disgusting and it smelled like plastic! It’s not Walmart I just can’t remember what it was called tho.
DeleteThe brand name might have been Great Brand, but I'm not sure. They don't see it at Walmart anymore.
DeleteWould you test/compare the new Wilton?
ReplyDeleteWill do...
DeleteIs Monalisa still your go to fondant?
ReplyDeleteChatwfeyi, Sadly Barry Callebaut discontinued the Mona Lisa fondant so now I'm using Carma Massa Ticino Tropic (now made by Barry Callebaut). I still have issues tinting the Massa certain colors, but it works best in high humidity.