Tuesday, February 7, 2012

TWD: White Loaves

Hello Tuesday! Tuesday with Dorie that is. Today is the start of a new baking adventure using the world famous book Baking with Julia. This week's TWD selection of White Loaves is brought to you by Laurie and Jules. You can find the recipe on Jules' blog.

So how did my loaves fare? Take a look...

Lovely, puffy, loaves. Loaves so full of yeast I feared they would take over my kitchen.

Just out of the oven. Can't you just smell the aroma of freshly baked bread?

Ah, bread. If it weren't for you I would still fit in my pants!


  1. It's worth it! Your loaves look great!

  2. Bread is just too yummy. Especially this bread! I look back at the year I spent doing Atkins with my mother and wonder how I survived.

  3. Your loaves look just great!

    Glad to see you didn't get washed away with all of our rain this week!!

  4. Without bread, cheese and wine my pants would fit soo much better! Gorgeous little loaves - hard to resist those!

  5. I don't know how people give up bread. I am not sure I could.
    Looks like your loaves came out perfectly!

  6. Stretchy pants, baby! Nice loaves. ;-)

  7. Your loaves look great! Bread is definitely a weakness of mine.

  8. Who needs pants!! Eat more bread!! Cheers!

  9. Skirts with an elastic waist are a carb lover's gift! ;)

    Nicely done!

  10. Pants are over-rated - that bread is not!


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